The aim of this work is to identify the basic upstream strategy of “GEPETROL” (national oil company of Equatorial Guinea), and to propose a strategic direction which will allow it to position itself in the competitive oil market.
In order to carry out this work we have used an evolutionist method of study-on competition and competitiveness, employing, Michael Porter’s scale for analysis (Harvard University). However, to be specific, this study follows very closely the work of Edmilson Dos Santos’ work (Ecole du Pétrole et des Moteurs & Université de Bourgogne). Who, like many, used a similar scale to Porter, to analyse the evolution of competition and competitiveness of different businesses and nations in the international domain of upstream petroleum. This study analyses the strategic on evolution from an angle where we will be identifying the strategic position of national petroleum (NPC’s) in oil producing countries throughout the different stages which are characterized the international oil industry. This mainly concerns identifying “GEPETROL” Basic strategy. ”.
Finally, we shall focus this study in the specific sectors of the three countries: the Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Nigeria. In comparing the strategies of the actors in these three countries, we can firstly determine the degree of competition of the upstream sector of Equatorial Guinea, and conclude by proposing a strategic direction for “GEPETROL” efficient implementation in the competitive and evolution world of oil.